
What are your public DNS for hosting?

To make your domain work with our hosting service, you need to specify the following NS servers with your registrar:   You need to enter these records in the NS settings of your domain name in the registrar's control panel. Apart from this, you...

Bots on Your Website: Should You Be Worried?

In the modern internet space, every website owner may encounter bot activity. It is important to note that the presence of bots on your site is not always a sign of danger. In fact, many bots perform useful functions, such as indexing your site for search engines, which helps your business be...

How Do Backups Work on CloudHosting?

Automatic Nightly Backups: Protecting Your Data Our system has implemented a mechanism for automatic nightly backups. Every night, backups of all your data are created and immediately uploaded to separate servers. These servers are additionally protected with passwords to enhance the...